The catalogue contains the news related to all the publications received from the libraries which are part of the Polo SBN of Pisa from the respective adhesion date to the National Library Service (SBN).
The online catalogue search engine works on the general database of the Polo of Pisa, as well as on the databases of every library that compose the Polo.
Through the online catalogue, the University Library makes available the news related to books and serials acquired from 1998 or derived from retrospective cataloguing recoveries. In October 2006 began the insertion of bibliographical news related to the ancient Funds of the Library, browsable through the generic research and the specific research for an ancient book.
In every news, ancient and modern ones, it is possible to select the entry "Request for information", that allows an user to send an email in which he can specify particular requirements for the text of interest.
The catalogue is browsable 24 hours a day, from every computer connected to the Internet.
The database has been updated in
November 2014
and currently contains
Where admitted, it is possible to locally loan the modern texts of the University Library, by selecting the entry "Services".
The local loan requests can also be sent to the University Library from the site homepage choosing "UOL Loan".
The Library participates to the Interlibrary Loan service "Libri in Rete", offered by the Regione Toscana, and to ILL SBN from October 2007.
Digitalized serials
Through the online Catalogue it is possible to consult some digitalized headings of local serials from the second half of the 19th century. For the direct consultation, click on the link "Digitalized serials".
It is possible to look for words in the articles that make part of one or more digitalized serials. The text has been generated by means of a completely automatic process of optical chracter recognition (OCR), without any human intervention, except the initial calibration of
the OCR software.
For an automatic search inside the PDF version of the serials - through the "PDF" link - the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader
(Version 6 or above) is required.
From the computers available to the public in the University Library, it is
possible to consult online the texts of the Library and the texts which are also part of the Editoria Italiana Online database, these texts are characterized
by the EIO mark near the news. Volumes that are not possessed in papery form by the Library, but are included in the EIO database, can be consulted, only on
site, by selecting "Online Databases" from the catalogue main page and from the Library homepage, through which it is possible to reach every holding of the